A team of Songhai Monitoring and Evaluation officers visited twelve previous beneficiaries of the agro-entrepreneurship technical training organized by the Songhai Sustainable Development Initiative in Nigeria in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation under the Young Africa Works strategy.
The twelve former trainees visited, made up of nine females and three males, had their entrepreneurial activities evaluated as well as ascertained the impact of the training.
The visit aimed at spotlighting how the former trainees have applied knowledge and essential skills acquired from the training programme shows the positive and not-so-positive elements as well as the intended results.
Several recommendations were made for the smooth functioning of their agro-ventures in various production sectors and sub-sectors such as poultry production, fishery, crop production and food processing etc.
Note, the goal of the project is to reorientate the mindset and instil in the beneficiaries technical training and agro-entrepreneurial skills necessary to successfully establish and manage viable sustainable agro-ventures that are capable of generating employment opportunities and wealth.
This will invariably address youth with particular attention to women’s unemployment in Nigeria. Haven acquired the essential skills to create and access dignified and fulfilling work opportunities that will change their livelihoods and that of their families. While the after-effects will be on the communities and the country, which will subsequently create an inclusive and equitable world.
However, preparations are in top gear for the next batch of interested individuals that will also benefit from this training programme.
As such, mass awareness campaigns are ongoing in electronic, print and social media. Also, the received applications are currently being screened and letters of invitation are being sent to selected applicants.
As of today, hundreds of Nigerian youths, between the ages of 18 to 35 years have benefited from this joint capacity development project between the Songhai Sustainable Development Initiative in Nigeria and the Mastercard Foundation under the Young Africa Works strategy.