No African should go again to bed hungry! This is the challenge that leaders from member states of the African Union hope to take up by 2025. They resolved to “eradicate hunger” and “reduce poverty” in this timeframe during their 23rd Summit, held last year in Equatorial Guinea. At this occasion, the African Union Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture stressed that agriculture is the key to the success of such a challenge. It is with this conviction that she visited on Thursday, May 21, 2015, Songhai Centre in Porto Novo.

Her Excellency Rhoda Peace Tumusiime is convinced that “agriculture is the solution to the problems of economic and social development of Africa in the long term; particularly with regard to food security, youth unemployment, gender inequality and climate change.” Songhai, with the integrated system and its development approach, responds well to this vision of the authority. That’s why she visited again on 21st May. Just on arrival, the Commissioner took a quick tour of the center with Fr Nzamujo prior to a more comprehensive tour the next day. According to her, Rhoda Peace Tumusiime will never get tired of visiting Songhai. “I went round yesterday, I did it again this morning and I’ll do it again tomorrow …” she said, impressed by everything she sees. The integration in the production system, the value-addition in the industries, the energy production from waste, the biological nature of the manufactured products, the involvement of youth and women… are all aspects that moved the international official. She finds that through these activities, Songhai shows that agriculture is truly the foundation of the development of rural economies and the development path of African countries. Thus, just as Dlamini Zuma, the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Rhoda Peace Tumusiime thinks that Songhai is a useful and important initiative to all African countries. At the African Union, the Commission will work not only at each country replicating the model on its territory, but also at training youth and women of the continent in agricultural entrepreneurship.  



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