After eighteen months of training at Songhai, the graduating farmers of the 54th batch received their training completion certificates on August 6th, 2016.

Hundred and forty (140) in January 2015 at the beginning of the training, hundred and twenty eight (128) at the end in July 2016, 117 left with their training completion certificates on August 6th, 2016. The eleven (11) unsuccessful candidates will have to join the training again for few months in order to catch up. Such are the statistics communicated by the training department of Songhai Ouando during the graduation ceremony that brought together the trainees, their parents, friends and trainers.

From the beginning of the session, Mr Justin Lekoto talked to parents about Songhai training, as he did previously, during the periodic meetings between the training department team and the parents. New inputs pertain particularly with details on the evaluation process, as well as the method for compiling results, the eligibility criteria, the conditions of reintegration of unsuccessful trainees.

By reminding both parents and trainees that the eighteen months (18) are only the first phase of a training that last thirty months, Mr Lekoto made them understand that the certificate was not an end in itself. The most important, he told them, was the application.

The 54th batch included seventeen (17) females. Thanks to a program implemented by Songhai center, they will benefit from a particular support. Each of them will receive a loan, with no interest. That loan, Mr Lekoto explained, will help them to set up their own farm. Men also have access to loan opportunities, but will have to refund it with an interest.

Explanations then made way to results announcement by Mr Martin Voglozin, in charge of the training department. It appears that out of the hundred and seventeen (117) deserving trainees, the leading group was respectively made of Jean Houessou with an average score of 12,66 ; Myrabelle Francesca Pathinvo with an average score of 12,57 and Marius Agbonon who is third with an average score of 12,55.


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