The farm trainees of the 55th batch of the Songhai Center were honored on Saturday, January 28, 2017. They received their training completion certificate in a special ceremony organized for them. It was at the large conference hall of the Songhai Center in Ouando (Porto-Novo), where relatives and friends were invited.

Out of 80 in total, there are 72 trainees including 15 females to receive their certificates on Saturday 28 January; the other 8 being referred for not reaching the required grade to pass. From crop production to livestock to agro-processing and renewable energy, these young people have acquired the basics needed to make a career in agricultural entrepreneurship and have a significant impact on their community. The Certification Ceremony was an opportunity for the Head of the Training Department, Justin Lèkoto, to review the evaluation method and the results achieved by each trainee after the eighteen (18) months spent living on the farm. In his talk, he revealed that Evariste Adoukonou came first of the 55th batch with a score of 12.38; he is followed by Waïdi Kolawolé Aminou (12,16) and Jules Tayo Sènou (12,07).

Justin Lèkoto also reminded parents and trainees that the end of the eighteen (18) months does not yet mean the end of the training which actually lasts thirty (30) months. Rather, it marks the beginning of a second phase called application, and at the end of which, they will be eligible for the proper diploma. “Those who can afford it can set up their own business while others can negotiate and obtain a land space on a farm to satisfy this requirement,” explained the head of the Training Department.

On behalf of her mates, Ruth Affognon expressed her gratitude to the trainers and managers of Songhai Center for the opportunity offered to them, which aims at getting them out of the circle of unemployment and poverty.


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