Published by Editions du Cerf in Paris in January 2016 – Songhai, Africa now! – the second book of Fr Godfrey Nzamujo, was officially presented to the Benin public this Wednesday, March 23, 2016.

It was almost at dusk that Mr. Luc Fabre, Director of the French Institute of Benin (IFB) – former French Cultural Centre in Cotonou – appeared on the podium of the big hut of the Institute to welcome all the invited guests. The ceremony of the launching of the book Songhai, Africa now! had thus been opened.

After reading the message of the editor Jean Francois Colosimo, CEO of Editions du Cerf, and the message of Bishop Aristide Gonsallo, Bishop of Porto-Novo – who could not make it to the ceremony – the book could then be presented. Agnes Avognon-Adjaho, previously Director of the Bookshop Notre Dame in Cotonou and currently member of the Board of Songhai Centre, assisted by Expédit Ologou, journalist and literary editor led the presentation of the book in the form of an interview with the author, Fr Godfrey Nzamujo.

An interview which helped to know that Songhai, Africa now! is published as part of the celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of existence and activity of Songhai initiative, the adventure that started in Porto-Novo (Benin ) in October 1985. The book, presents the major achievements of Songhai, making it a centre of excellence for Africa. According to the writer, “… we are in a crisis of vision in the world”, which explains the poor results of the many development policies.

The book then describes the vision of Fr Nzamujo – Director of Songhai Centre – for a prosperous Africa whose development is based on the pillars of the Third Industrial Revolution. And as such, Songhai, Africa now! constitutes a true compass that leads to the true north. This is also the opinion of those who have had the privilege of reading the book, before the presentation ceremony on March 23. Aline Kuster-Menager, Ambassador of France in Benin and Guest of honor at the event; Ms Lucy Tamlyn, Ambassador of the USA in Benin and Ms Pamela Bridgewater, former Ambassador of the USA in Benin, attended the ceremony as a special guest of the Board of Songhai Centre.

Testimonies from some former employees who have shared the early hours of Songhai beautiful adventure with Fr Godfrey Nzamujo also furnished the ceremony that ended in a good atmosphere, with dedications, exchanges and a cocktail.

Made of 197 pages, Songhai, Africa Now! includes ten (10) chapters.


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