reseau dentrepreneur

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Africa lives more intensely in the era of social networks, a great initiativeof human genius, motivated primarilyby the need torenew with social bonds which are becoming almost nonexistent.In Africa, the social capital has a strong existence; what isratherdifficult togettruly set up is the financial capital.But witha little determination, it is possible.If there is anecessity imposedby the crisis, it is thepromotion ofeconomic ties which, at Songhai, wehold as important.Rather thanjustdevelopingsocial ties, we fitfirmlyin the dynamics ofdeveloping socio-Economic Networks, to stickto the realitieson African soil.

RéNaFer (Réseau National des Fermiers Songhaï), the National Network ofSonghaiFarmers, is oneof the best examplesof this reality.All agriculturalentrepreneurstrained bySonghaiare membersof this network.Theyvisit, assist, collaborate andmeet periodically toreflect andfind solutionsto the problems they are facing. Each year they meet in Songhai-Ouando (Porto-Novo) where they participate inthe farmers’ agricultural fair.They arekey partners of SonghaiCentreand provide usif needed, with products to enable us satisfy our customers.

But beyond RéNaFer, Songhai sites in Benin and elsewhere are also key links in our socio-economic system.

In these frameworks for exchangeandsharing ofpractices and knowledge, we become stronger andmoreequipped tofight thedevelopment problemsfacing usall over Africa. 




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