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Without any fuss, Songhai continues its tireless work for sustainable development. The model has been hailed by various institutions and organizations, as evidenced by its many awards. For us, beyond the personal satisfaction that has come with these recognitions, these awards tell us “you’re on the right track, keep it up.” This is a call that we welcome and embrace.

Cotonou – March 2014: Distinguished for its 3D manufacturing technology, as one of the 100 innovations, winners of Africa Forum 2013, an initiative of the French government to support and assist in the dissemination of innovations brought by Africans for sustainable development.

Accra – July 2013: 2nd prize of Agriculture Film Festival organized by the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) in the framework of the Sixth African Agricultural Science Week with the film called “Feeding snails” co-produced with Access Agriculture.

Ndjamena – May 2012: Honorary Distinction by WECARD (West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development) for the significant contribution of Songhai Centre to Agricultural Research for Development in the sub-region; during the 3rd agricultural scientific week and the 10th General Assembly of WEACRD.  

Cotonou – May 2010: Cardinal Bernadin GANTIN Award presented by the Cardinal Bernadin GANTIN Foundation

Abuja – April 2009: Songhai promoted as a Regional Center of Excellence by the Economic Community of West African States

Porto-Novo – May 2008: Songhai promoted as a Centre of Excellence for Africa by the United Nations. Launching of Songhai Regional Project for Agricultural Entrepreneurship Development with the support of five UN agencies (replication of Songhai model in 11 African countries)

New York – December 2008: prize for special and constant achievements for South-South Cooperation awarded by the South South Cooperation Unit of the United Nations

Vienna – November 2008: Special Achievements in Agricultural Entrepreneurship Award by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) at the International Conference on Agricultural Entrepreneurship

Porto-Novo – 2000: Trophy of the Capital (2nd edition) awarded by the Mayor of Porto-Novo (Benin)

Hanover – October 2000: Award for the Best Local Initiative to Implement Sustainable Agricultural Systems, “Expo 2000 Hannover GMBH”

August 2000: Award of Excellence from the National Lottery of Benin for the contribution to national development in the field of agriculture and livestock

Cotonou – November 1998: Certificate of participation in the exhibition – sales (Eat Local) on AfricaIndustrialization day

Libreville – June 1997: Certificate of participation in the International Forum of NGOs by the Economic and Social Council

Tokyo – October 1993: 7th Leadership Afrique 93 award presented by Hunger Project



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