Songhai Leadership Academy (SLA) announced some months ago, is starting soon. Indeed, the first batch of candidates for the training as Songhai development leaders is scheduled to start on September 15, 2015.

Out of the hundred applications, thirty (30) candidates have successfully passed the final selection test. They are from Benin, Burkina Faso, Congo, Côte-d’Ivoire, Mali, Haiti, Nigeria, Senegal and Togo. Their levels of education range from the Bachelor’s degree to the Master’s degree with proven experience. Among them, there are business leaders, government officials, teachers, agricultural entrepreneurs… all carrying a socio-economic ideal of development. There are also three religious people. Female participation is estimated at 33%.

The training will consists in theoretical and practical courses on the field. It will address the philosophy, history, ethics, innovation, development of observation skills etc. A periodic evaluation of the training will be made through a logbook in which the trainees will be required to record their daily achievements and questions. The training will last six (6) months and will be held at Songhai Regional Centre in Porto-Novo and its satellite sites.

This training of Songhai development leaders will help obtain a critical mass of human resources morally and technically equipped to efficiently manage resources and meet the challenges of the African continent. Eventually, they will be Songhai ambassadors worldwide, spreading around them, Songhai development model. Some of them will be recruited by Songhai in order to meet the numerous requests from Governments wishing to replicate the model in their country.


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