On canonical visit to Benin, Benjamin Sombel Sarr, Vice-Provincial Prior of the Dominicans in West Africa was at Songhai on Friday 24 June.

“… What is currently being done in Songhai truly corresponds not only to the vision of the Church and the Pope’s vision of complete development, but also corresponds to complete ecology, making this mission a church mission, in a special way“. These were the words of Fr Benjamin Sombel Sarr, the Vice-Provincial Prior of the Dominicans of Saint Augustine Vice Province in West Africa at the end of his visit to Songhai. If there has been a long time he was in Songhai as a student, this is the first time that Benjamin Sarr is stepping again in Songhai as a Dominican priest, but also as Vice-Provincial Prior of the Dominicans.

Beyond a simple desire to rediscover Songhai, Fr Benjamin Sarr’s visit is part of his mission of Vice-Provincial Prior to carry out canonical visits to the Dominican priests of the Vice Province which he is heading. The goal of the visit is to see with his colleagues how they are accomplishing the preaching ministry, according to the mission of the Church, and exchange with them. The Vice Provincial Prior clearly explains: “It is within the framework of my visit to the Convent of Cotonou and Brothers in Benin that I paid a visit to our Fr Nzamujo and also to encourage him in his mission which is really a Dominican mission as this mission reflects authentically the face of St. Dominic, our Father“.

Following the exchange, the Vice Provincial Prior had a comprehensive tour of Songhai Centre led by Fr NZAMUJO. This tour did not leave him indifferent: “What impressed me most, as priest and as major superior to Fr Nzamujo is that behind all that is done here, there is a genuine philosophical and theological vision. He also added: “In Songhai, here we find a small world, People come from everywhere. I was very impressed “.


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