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SONGHAI : an NGO of broad-based and inclusive development

The nongovernmental organization (NGO) “Songhai” is an association of development and innovation. With its integrated approach, it aims at dramatically and systemically addressing multiple challenges (agriculture/food security, demographic transition/youth employment, health and environment) that African countries face in their efforts to achieve a sustainable economy and rural growth.

The Songhai initiative is an expression of “regenerative social economy: an economy at the service of man and every man.” This initiative, while strongly reaffirming and reactivating the central position of solidarity in social construction, goes further to ensure the sustainability of this value.

A central tenet of the Songhai initiative is that the only way to effectively fight poverty is to make the poor productive. Socio-economic initiatives are necessary in order to provide a critical mass of young men and women who are capable of providing leadership and have the skills necessary to create wealth through more humane and sustainable businesses.

With its multi-partnership initiatives that include governments, international organizations, development associations, communities, and individuals, Songhai has emerged as a catalyst for the promotion of men and women of Africa becoming a little more in control of their future.


The NGO Songhai aims at the emergence of new socio-economic structures and new socio-economic developments such as “Green Rural Cities” through:

  • the development of technology and production systems to develop local resources;
  • the creation and development , production, and research for sustainable development;
  • the creation and development of business incubation centers, particularly in the agricultural sector;
  • the development of an entrepreneurial culture and work ethic ;
  • the creation and development of service centers ;
  • the installation and management of agricultural enterprises, including the development of private, municipal, and government farms;
  • the introduction
  • the facilitation of networks by providing services such as marketing, input supply, hospitality services, networking, financial loans, and advisory services ;
  • the development of renewable energy platforms ;
  • the conduct of all income-generating activities in accordance with legal provisions ;
  • the establishment of partnerships with all similar associations and any commercial in accordance with legal provisions.

The governing bodies of the association are:

  – the General assembly

  – the Board of Directors

  – the Think Tank (framework for technical and prospective thinking)


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