Rémi Turnel and Melina Rosay respectively Senior Officer for International Development at the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Country Director for Oxfam in Benin, were visiting Songhai on Wednesday 4 February 2015. Oxfam – Oxford Committee for Famine Relief – and SACO – Canadian Assistance Services to Organizations – are indeed two Canadian development organizations which provided technical assistance to Songhai Centre and which in turn are supported by the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Rémi Turnel was therefore at Songhai to “see the achievements made, the support provided by the two organizations to the center,” but also to learn about the activities, philosophy, initiatives and development projects of the centre. At the end of a visit led by Fr Nzamujo, the Senior International Development Officer at the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said he was very impressed “for someone coming from a country that is supposed to have an advanced development.” And for the Oxfam Country Director in Benin, “Songhai is always at the forefront of innovation.”


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