There are 31 females and 95 males admitted to Songhai Regional Center in Porto-Novo on Monday, June 5, 2017 for a one-month practical training. This is in the framework of a partnership between Songhaï, the agricultural schools and universities of Benin. This internship should help the students learn from professionals in the field and in an environment where good practices are promoted. They will be able to familiarize themselves early enough with the practices of best agricultural techniques, respectful of the environment and for healthy eating.

The trainees are from agricultural colleges of Natitingou, Djougou, Sékou, Adja-Ouèrè, Savalou, Kika and Adja-Honmin. The training began with a comprehensive visit of the center; which helped them discover for the first time the Songhaï integrated system. This was followed by the distribution of training packages.


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