The experience of Songhai Centre in sustainable agriculture was the focus of a round table in Arras, France, lastJune22 2016.

More than a possibility, sustainable agriculture is now a reality with initiatives spreading around the world that are proving their worth, just like Songhai. By responding positively to the organizers of the World Forum for a Responsible Economy, the director of Songhai Center – Father Godfrey Nzamujo, accepted to share the experience gained by Songhai in the field of sustainable agriculture. To discuss the topic “Third agricultural revolution: towards a sustainable agriculture” he had by his side two other panelists. Mathieu Savadogo, director of the Association for Research and Training in Agroecology (ARFA) from Burkina Faso and Bertrand Patenôtre, French farmer and expert in agroecology.

We must acknowledge that conventional agriculture is inefficient” Father Godfrey Nzamujo pointed out straight away. He explains for example that conventional agriculture, while finding a solution to a problem, creates many other problems. On the contrary, organic agriculture when bringing a solution to a problem, solves many other problems at the same time. This is particularly true in the integrated and systematic agricultural model promoted by Songhai for the past 30 years of its existence. Practicing agriculture in symbiosis with nature, observing how nature operates, creating a virtuous partnership, are among others the key factors of the success of the Songhai model. The call of Father Nzamujo can then easily be understood: “Let’s free the potential of nature, sun and micro-organisms!

As he often explains, Father Nzamujo insists that, far from being a disease, poverty is rather our failure to see and seize the opportunities offered by the rich environmental capital of the planet, particularly in Africa. He understands this so well, that through the Songhai model, he declared a strong fight against poverty, and contributed to poverty alleviation. “In Africa, we do not caress poverty, we break it…”he said, proudly. The world will witness environmental crisis. And as a visionary he warns “In 2030, there will be a global crisis of phosphorus” but “Nobody talks about it” he regrets.

Organized by the Alliances Network, the World forum for a responsible economy on the topic “The third agricultural revolution: towards an inclusive, connected and sustainable agriculture” aims at creating a more responsible economy and a more sustainable world. An ambition “fully achieved” thanks to the contributions of all participants as stated by Phillipe Vasseur, former French Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, and current chairman of both the Network and the Forum.

His words to Father Nzamujo speak for themselves: “Dear Godfrey, the whole team of the World Forum for a Responsible Economy and myself would like to thank you warmly for the quality and the relevance of your contribution to our thematic day…”


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