In 2013, during his visit to Songhai, the Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara had so much liked the development model of the center that he decided to set up the same in his country. Two years later, a delegation of 15 people are in Benin to conduct the feasibility study. The delegation consisting of local and municipal elected officials of Côte d’Ivoire, but also technicians, of the Director of Employment of the Ivorian Ministry of Employment and Training and a representative of the technical and financial partners, is conducted by the President of the Bouaké region. The delegation, at first, proceeded to a complete and detailed tour of the Centre on Friday, March 6, 2015, before returning the next day to hold talks with the Management.

The tour, led personally by the Director of the center, helped the delegation to discover and understand the Songhai initiative. The stage of talks, allowed them to start negotiations so that within two years, a dozen centers of Songhai model will be set up in different parts of Côte d’Ivoire. The Executive Director of the Assembly of regions and districts of the country reported that the project will be funded primarily by the World Bank, with its project on youth employment in Côte d’Ivoire and another project of the French Agency for development for which they have already received two envelopes. During his third visit to Songhai, Amicha Paul confided that he never tires to come on visit to Songhai. “Those who come here think they are visiting a center; beyond the center, it is a philosophy of development, a development model that was created by the founder” says the Executive Director, adding that “Use what you have, is a development model that is endogenous to Africa and it is important that once Heads of state come to see, implementation should follow”. 


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