Chaïbou DAN-INNA, the Minister for Vocational and Technical Education in Niger, accompanied by a large delegation of executives from his Ministry and the High Commissioner for 3N initiative (Niger people feed Niger people), Amadou Diallo Allahoury, visited Songhai Ouando from Monday 23 to Thursday26 February 2015. The purpose of the mission of the Niger authorities to Songhai is to understand the functioning of the Centre through its integrated and decentralized development model system, exchange with the Director of the centre “to explore the possibilities of an active and sustainable partnership between the two institutions” and finally, meet the Benin authorities.
A complete and thorough tour of the center was in fact organized for the delegation on Wednesday, February 25th. In the evening Chaïbou DAN-INNA met the trainees of Songhai Centre to encourage and remind them that they are the future players in the African development. Later, the officials of the Niger Ministry for Vocational and Technical Education had a working session with the heads of the administration of Songhai Centre and those of the Training Department. A session which helped them to better understand the philosophy of Songhai Centre, who is an entrepreneur, and the qualities he must have and the skills to develop to grow a business. The visitors were particularly interested in the presentation of the Director they found very enriching and inspiring. The enlightment of the answers from Fr Nzamujo to their many questions helped them identify some actions, once back in Niger, in order to establish the Niger government development policy on new and more robust foundations. A schedule of work with deadlines was developed at the end of the session, for the memorandum of partnership agreement between the two institutions to replicate the Songhai model in Niger to be signed by the next three months.


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