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“We are seven young girls. We were trained in Songhai Centre. We just received financial support of 8,780,950 CFA on May 29, 2014. This fund has helped us to settle down and start developing our small business, to create goods and services that our communities really need, and also create jobs. This fund has been able to be awarded through a partnership between Songhai and Eliminate Poverty Now”.

The first beneficiary of the fruits of the many partnerships of which Songhai is a part is unquestionably DEVELOPMENT.


Development is not the work of a single organization. Songhai uses a systemic approach that connects with all who believe in human sustainable development and are willing to actively get involved. With a network of over 200 partners in every corner of the world, Songhai Centre develops and maintains multidimensional relations.

Is development is your interest? Feel free to join the list of Songhai partners.

Become a partner at songhai@songhai.org or Songhai Regional Centre, 01 BP 597 Porto Novo, Republic of Benin.

Also read : «Quand l’Afrique relève la tête », éditions du Cerf

Coming out soon «Songhaï, l’Afrique maintenant », éditions du Cerf.



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