One of the outcomes of development projects is the ripple effect it has on the beneficiary, the Youth-in-work, their household, and their community.
Truly, this program has motivated these young minds, and we are certain of their dedication, and ultimately, the sustainability of our journey to impact.
We are delighted to announce the series of outputs of the implementation of this project; by successfully completing the 1st batch of the 3-month boot camp in agribusiness management; in Imo and Ebonyi States; South East Nigeria for the second year of the program.

This graduation process began with a defense/presentation of their Academic Thesis, and projects that culminated in a colorful graduation ceremony this April.
Again, this incubation process brought to the fore, the required knowledge, skillsets, and values that will be critical for the graduate trainees to startup and upscale different value chains in their agribusinesses; which will create wealth and employment in their community of influence in Nigeria.
The young Nigerian trainees/beneficiaries were informed, empowered, and inspired to do more, be more, and bring about transformation in the agricultural and food systems in Nigeria. WAY TO GO!!
Special thanks to the lead partners of this project; the @Mastercard Foundation in partnership with Songhaï Center for co-creating this agro-business incubation and support system for training, seeding, networking, and service delivery for Nigerian youths project; at such a time as this.
Indeed, great teams produce EXCELLENT RESULTS!!
#YoungAfricaWorks #Agriculture #Farming #DevelopmentInitiative #SONGHAI CENTER #MASTERCARD FOUNDATION #GreatRewards #Results #2ndBatch2023 #Graduation #Empowerment