Two groups of Gambian trainees are in Songhai Centre in Porto Novo since January 8th for the first group and February 6th for the second. Composed of six people including 2 girls, the first group is sent by NEMA Project, a project of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), in collaboration with IFAD Gambia. The second group of 30 people was sent by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Gambia. The duration of the training in agricultural entrepreneurship for both groups is six months.

Apart from the Gambian trainees, 4 trainees from Burkina Faso, 4 from Congo and 8 from Togo are also taking an agricultural entrepreneurship training in Songhai Centre. The Burkinabe have been in the center since February 3rd and sent by CARITAS. The Congolese are sent by the Women and Youth Professional Training Center (CFPFJ) since March 9, and the Togolese, by the NGO BONITA HAUS since March 16. The trainees of the first two nationalities have six months of training while the Togolese have nine months to spend in Songhai.


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