Rentrée P58 2

The 58th batch of trainees in Songhai Center was launched on Tuesday, January 3, 2017. At Songhaï Ouando (Porto-Novo) as well as at the other sites in Benin, an official ceremony in which parents took part marked the event.

There were 558 candidates, of which 74 girls, to apply and go through the Recruitment Test on all Songhai sites. At the end, 166 passed and were dispatched on the various Songhai sites in Benin. Each candidate was assessed for his endurance, personal motivation and level of alertness in the recruitment test which took place on 6, 7 and 8 December 2016.

The ceremony marking the official beginning of the new trainees was an opportunity for parents and trainees to better understand the outline of the Songhai training in agricultural entrepreneurship. At the end of the two and a half years that they will spend, of which eighteen (18) months of training in boarding conditions and twelve (12) months of application, each trainee should be able to set up and run his own production business. The final exam will be based on the project and the business plan that each one will submit. And for a training that is 80% practical, the head of the Training department, Mr Justin Lekoto, urged the new recruits to show endurance, willingness and determination. From parents, Justin Lekoto requested continued support to their children.  


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