2014 was the year of secondary production at Songhai, especially industries. It is Father Godfrey Nzamujo, the Director of Songhai, who stated this on Wednesday, December 31, 2014, on the occasion of the annual meeting that brings together all the staff, for evaluation statement and New Year greetings. He cited as evidence the construction and equipment of very high capacity production plants for manufacturing floating pellets for fish, the production of chips and soap. These were three construction infrastructures of huge investments.

While forty-five (45) persons were recruited in 2014, the wage bill has exceeded five hundred million (500,000,000) CFA francs to mention only those figures – the revenue from the production were far below the expenses. Yet Songhai is a social service centre based on production. The production must be increased and the policy defined by the Director for 2015 is in this logic. The culmination of this approach will depend mostly on the human resources. This explains why Fr Nzamujo’s appeal to each member of staff to embrace the desire to work in simplicity, with passion and determination, and leadership development. Carelessness is not the mission of Songhai, he insisted, inviting the staff to observe discipline, one of the weapons needed to accomplish the mission. He urged all those who work to pull down Songhai to change their behavior and mobilize with everyone to help Songhai to bring pride for Benin and Africa.

He thanked each member who contributes to Songhai force, including officials from the various Songhai sites in Benin and Nigeria. Damien ATIKE and Landry AFANOU were particularly congratulated by the Director for their work ethic and the exemplary Songhai member image they portray. Songhai 2015 will be the year of service, communication, marketing and bar restaurant particularly, said the Director. The occasion of this review has been seized as usual, to gratify every casual worker of two kilograms of rice, chicken, four bottles of juice and a package of five thousand (5000) CFA francs. But before that, Fr Godfrey Nzamujo, on behalf of Songhai, Africa and all the families affected by the Songhai initiative, wished one and all, a year of peace, blessing and success. God helps us all,” he prays to conclude.


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