The Songhai training is aimed at men and women wishing to become:

  1. Professionals: versatile technicians, able to master production gestures everywhere.

–          2 and half years (18 months + 12 months): open to men and women from 18 to 35 years old, with no or little agricultural background. It is free for Beninese who are subjected to a selection via testing.

–          6 to 18 months: paid training, open to applicants aged 18 years old or over and of any nationality (see fee schedule below).

   2. Farm-managers: able to mobilize and manage human, financial and technological material resources to create goods and services that meet the needs and desires of the community. 6 months – open to the public. (See fees below).

    3. Inventive and creative entrepreneurs with reflex and entrepreneurial culture to channel and transform the possibilities within their reach.

–      Program of inspiration: two weeks

–      Entrepreneurial capacity-building: 1 to 3 months- open to the public.        (See fees below).

Others: Students of agricultural colleges and universities can apply for internships and writing essays.

1 to 6 months – The duration is determined according to defined objectives.



  • Openness to adhere gradually to the development vision of Songhai: personal transformation
  • Ambition for his/her life and for the development of his/her community
  • Openness and ability to personal change
  • Demonstration of awakening, innovation and curiosity



Individuals trained at Songhai are:

  • The Professionals: (versatile technicians, able to master production gestures everywhere);
  • The farm managers: who can mobilize and manage physical, human, financial resources and technology to create goods and services that meet the needs and desires of the community;
  • Inventive and creative entrepreneurs: with reflex and entrepreneurial culture to channel and transform the possibilities within his/her reach.

They are able to:

  • Develop their setting-up plans taking into account the socio-economic context
  • Create and manage their business: develop a clear vision of their future and their context
  • Analyze their farm, their environment
  • Disseminate their skills and knowledge from their activities
  • Lead a team or a cooperative that can be applied in their community
  • Train rural world around them for a socio- economic dynamism and impact their environment.

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